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Legal notices by Nicola A. Cosanni
Via della Repubblica 28 / B, 64028, Silvi (TE)
Tel. +39.351.9251879
E-mail: /
VAT number 01758460685
REA 145676

The e-commerce contract, or electronic commerce, is governed by Legislative Decree no. April 9, 2003 n. 70, by directive no. 2000/31 / EC of the European Parliament relating to the main legal aspects of the information society services, electronic commerce and the e-commerce contract. It is however necessary to specify that the decree does not exhaust the discipline of the e-commerce contract. In fact, this is in any case governed by the general legislation on contracts governed by the Civil Code, for example on the subject of contract requirements, conclusion, fulfillment or non-fulfillment. Furthermore, in the case of services offered to consumers, all the provisions of the Consumer Code regarding distance contracts, unfair terms and misleading or comparative advertising remain applicable. Finally, the relationship established by the Privacy Code will be applied to the relationship between the parties. Regarding contracts stipulated with subjects definable as consumers, according to the provisions of the Consumer Code, the consumer always has the right to withdraw from any distance contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 10 working days. Furthermore, a consumer protection discipline is that concerning the vexatious clauses, according to which a series of clauses are presumed oppressive until proven otherwise, having the effect of significantly altering the balance of the rights and obligations of the contract to the detriment of the consumer. These clauses are void, even if they have been the subject of a specific individual negotiation. Still on the subject of contracts with the consumer, the seller / producer will be liable to the consumer for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of the goods. The warranty period extends up to two years from the delivery of the goods.


Idea and realization by by Nicola A. Cosanni

Brand Geocollection, Dodoline

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